Ultra Violet

A test photo shoot with some ultra violet lights and flowers carried out today. Having done the research into this, I realised that I needed to allocate a couple of hours in the morning creating black-outs for my studio windows and setting up the kit, then proceed to take the photos after a lunch break. This all went as planned, so it’s amazing what you can achieve in a day when you plan in advance. I had some challenging work-arounds with the two rather large UV lights which I had to hold up at the correct angle so as not to get any lens flare near the roses, as well as pressing the button, so an assistant or remote control would be needed, unless I can somehow strap these lights to tripods. Some detail within the rose petal shadows is also needed with more lighting refinement. A macro lens would be of benefit for the final shoot. A gap in the market for bespoke UV lights for cameras as I only sourced one company for this but excited to see the test results and how it evolves with more practice.


Painting with light


Summer Storm