Brayton Canal

I had a play around with the settings in the camera, shot in RAW and did all the right things. I was perched on the edge of the pathway right next to the water and no disasters. Found it a bit fiddly with tripod, filter, lens hood, working on a path right next to the water, having to move out of the way when two ladies walked past and asked if I was photographing the dragon flies. So, mindful of not tipping hundreds of pounds of kit into the canal, it was a lovely hour as the sun had just come out, so perfect conditions with the wind also blowing the trees. I photographed the ducks as I was interested to see how they would turn out in IR. Sadly, I only had one good photo (out of a possible 11), shooting in two locations either side of the canal bridge. I am shocked at how rusty I have become over the years, teaching students, but not spending enough time on my own practice. Anyway, it is all (very slowly) coming back to me now. Of the images which didn't work (down to my error on settings in camera), I actually really liked one of them as when I edited it in RAW, so I could actually see something (it was black) it seemed particularly eerie to me, which is the look I was going for. 

I also had a play around with the colour channels. I am not sure if this type of image is a new fashion, as there seems to be a lot of them on Instagram, which gives more a fantasy/Disney style which I like to look at, but it does not fit the eeriness I need and certainly doesn't fit with the 'girl murdered here' concept. 

The left tree in the distance did have a nice bit of motion blur, but the clouds were quite static. The images of the ducks never came out because of the slow shutter speed but I must not get distracted by ducks, insects, dogs as I am prone to do and stay focused on the subject in hand. 


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